Art Groveman Internet Marketing Specialist Resides: Sarasota, FLYears with POP Yachts: 1Q. How did you get started with POP Yachts?My wife, Judy, got the job first and said, "You can do this, too."Q. When initially speaking to potential clients, how do they react to POP Yachts' Paid on Performance philosophy?We're not asking sellers for any money, and they don't believe it at first. People are trained to believe that someone's always trying to sell them something. So we have to convert them and gain their trust. They eventually see it doesn't cost them anything and it's actually better than what they're doing because we do it all for them, for free. They don't have to answer the calls and the questions and deal with all the closing stuff of finalizing a sale. There really is not a catch.Q. What do you see as POP Yachts' advantage?It combines the personal service of a small brokerage and the advantage of dealing with a very large, efficient company – it's the best of both worlds. Sellers get their boat advertised worldwide, but they have a local sales rep who shows the boat, advises and consults and works with the buyer and seller until the boat is sold.Q. What did you do before you came to POP Yachts?I was a photography instructor for 20 years. After that, I decided to continue my life adventure and I bought an 18-wheeler and hit the road. I became an owner-operator trucker. Q. What did you haul?I found a company that sold loud speakers. I was the guy who pulled up in front of the store to do demonstrations and train the salespeople on how to sell the speakers. It was a lot of fun – I got to travel all over the country and play loud speakers.Q. So what kind of music were you listening to?A little bit of everything – jazz, classical, rock 'n' roll. It's nice to have a variety of sound.Q. Since you've been at POP Yachts, have you gotten the bug to buy a boat?Well, it's on my list, right below learning how to fly a helicopter. Boating sounds like a neat idea. I'd probably get a catamaran – but I'm more of a land-lover.Q. What do you see for the future of POP Yachts?POP's going to be the Priceline of boat selling. I can see them offering lots and lots of other services. I can see the technology applying to boats and services and support about boating in general.