Spring is finally here and everyone has the fever!POP Yachts officially sold 114 vessels this April (2013). Other than one boat, which we understand is headed to a movie set to be blown up in a commercial, there are 113 buyers out there fitting a POP Yachts key float onto a new set of keys. At least we hope so, as we don't want anyone losing their keys into the murky depths!By a substantial margin, April was a record month at POP Yachts. We all worked very hard and some of us need to take deserved vacation days.We would like to congratulate our group on another record month, marking three record months in a row (Feb - Apr)! And you know what that means...Spring is here and the boats are flying off the shelf in preparation for Summer days on the water.If you want to sell your boat, there is no better time than now. Click here to get started - there is no commitment and no risk. We only get paid when we sell your boat and you can cancel any time for any reason. All we need to get started is your permission and proof that you are the owner of your vessel.