POP Yachts is bonded and licensed in Florida by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, in California by the Department of Boating and Waterways, and in Virginia by the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.What does this mean to a buyer or a seller?Selling boats in both Florida and California is no picnic! Businesses are monitored, required to leave bonds in place with the states, regulated, and fined should they step out of line legally OR ethically.Brokerages in every other USA state aren't required to abide by any regulation for professional behavior. They don't need to keep a current license to do their business. They aren't constantly monitored and threatened with fines for not keeping up with the best interests of their buyers and sellers.It's simple. Customers prefer to do business with licensed and regulated businesses. We operate under a strict set of rules regarding the treatment of buyer deposits, monies in escrow, disclosure of all known material facts about a vessel, fidicuiary duty to seller, and much more (varies by state).We are required by law to treat all our customers fairly and to help negotiate terms that are in our customers' best interests.When you are working with a licensed broker in either Florida or California, you know you are operating with a company built around principles, who chooses to operate in a business heavily-regulated to ensure the protection of the interests of buyers and sellers alike!Florida License #6858California License #B-03334-00001-PMVirginia License #D01282You may look up our Broker license at any time at:Florida DBPR Broker License LookupCalifornia DBW Broker License LookupOr the licenses of our salespeople at:Florida DBPR Salesperson License LookupCalifornia DBW Salesperson License LookupIf you are dealing with a licensed salesperson, their license number(s) should be displayed in their email signature.