A few weeks ago, I had the chance to get to know a little more about POP Yachts' first sponsored YouTube content provider. If you haven't read his biography, here is the article I wrote last month as an introduction to our bright young bass fisherman:Getting to Know Colby PearsonColby is a great asset to POP Yachts and we hope to be a great asset to him as well.Tyler David: How old were you when you started fishing?Colby Pearson: It's safe to say I've been fishing my whole life, but fishing really became a passion of mine when I was four years old. I actually started fishing tournaments when I was eleven.Who taught you how to fish?No one really taught me how to fish. In 1998, my grandparents moved to a house that had a pond on the property. Originally, they got me in a position where I could fish and learn to fish but essentially over time I taught myself. I used any resources that I had such as magazines, the internet, fishing shows on TV. Also, fishing tournaments really helped me learn about the sport.What was your biggest catch?I've caught freshwater fish, catfish, they're all really big. I mainly fish bass, mostly around 10 pounds. I've caught some over 10 pounds multiple times.What type of boat do you use?I currently have an Astro Bass boat. It's 20' 6" with a 200 Mercury engine on it. I've had it for almost a year.What is your favorite fishing story?All my time spent on the water is memorable, but my favorite fishing memory is probably getting to travel across the country while in high school to compete against the top finishing high school anglers in the FLW High School fishing National championship.What was the biggest piece of advice that you ever received about fishing?That's a hard one. The way I came up fishing, where I taught myself, a lot of the stuff I learned myself. In 2012, when I was fishing the High School national championships that it's more important to fish your strengths, do what you're confident in, and find patterns that cater to your strengths in fishing.What is your favorite type of fish to catch other than bass?Most of what I do is bass fishing, but I've never really fished for anything crazy, like a Shark or sturgeon. Anything big that fights hard.When is your next tournament?Probably sometime within the next month. The lakes are really low because of the draught. For sure there will be one in May, but most likely sooner. As soon as something comes up I'll be on it.What is the biggest piece of advice that you could give to younger fishermen?That could tie back to the biggest piece of fishing advice I've ever gotten. A lot of the advice that fishermen give is very standard. Most say to "Never give up on your dreams" but that's cliché. If I could give someone advice, it would be to work hard. If you don't work as hard as you can, there's a good chance that someone who worked harder than you can take your place.Thank you for taking the time out of the day to provide some insight into how you progressed as a fisherman.No problem, you're welcome.