POP Yachts is always on the lookout for new talented fishermen, whom we can partner with. The benefits of sponsorship to the fisherman are plenty but most notably include recognition, which the great sport of fishing is sorely lacking for its top producers.POP Yachts has partnered with Colby Pearson, AKA Colby Bassmaster, because we recognize Colby as a passionate and talented young man. More than that, Colby takes advantage of cutting-edge technology, and has a strong penchant for educating fishermen, young and old, about new fishing tactics.Colby's YouTube Channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/colbybassmasterWhere to find Colby in the future:We hope to see Colby participating and placing in major sport fishing tournaments in the near future!Colby's Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/colby.pearson?fref=tsHere are some of his videos:Bass Fishing: Utilizing Mapping Resources in the Off-season"Spy-Bait" Fishing Overview and Technique"Braid-leader" Knot CompilationWe wish Colby all the success he can dream of in 2014...this young man is on our radar at POP and he certainly should be on yours!