Boat sellers and buyers know by now that the best place to come to list or find used boats for sale is POP Yachts, and we just proved that once again by listing our 3,000th active boat listing.Of course, we've listed many more than 3,000 boats over the years, but this marks the first time we've had more than 3,000 used boats for sale that are currently active and available for the right buyers.Our 3,000th active listing is a 2008 Tahoe 251 secured by Internet Marketing Associate Todd Klimson, in our Sarasota, Fla. office."I'm so excited about this company and the waves we are making in the industry," Klimson says. "Every day I hear more and more boat sellers say 'Oh yes, I've heard of POP Yachts.' I'm so glad to be a part of POP Yachts and grateful for my teammates and quick support from everyone in the office. A special thanks to Gordon Wilson and Laurel Streeter for the great teamwork and support."Want to check out all of our active listings? Just head on over to our Boats for Sale page, and search by region, price, category or brand.With our dedicated team and the most advanced Internet market strategy in the industry, you'll soon see why both buyers and sellers rave about their boat buying and selling experience with POP Yachts.