The Nav-A-Gator Grill is one of our favorite haunts in this part of the world! We were just there a couple of weeks ago with the Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club eating the Super Grouper sandwich and enjoying the “Nav-a-Gator Afternoon” cocktail. It is a secret concoction of cocoanut rum, peach schapps, vodka, and assorted fruit juices, although, there is no secret about what they do to you after having a few…This is also a great spot to catch the best in live musical talent. This year the Nav has once again captured the coveted #1 Trop Rock Venue in the USA which means that this is the BEST place to listen to Trop Rock Music in all the land! For those of you who have never heard of “Trop Rock,” it’s a music genre that is influenced by rock and roll, country and Caribbean beats. Located at old Desota Marina, The Nav sits alongside the Peace River in a quaint little village called Lake Suzy and was a fish camp back in the day. We're thinking this will be a great spot for the next POP party.As told to Nisha Barlow by Paul Heins and Diana Christ. Paul and Diana both work for POP Yachts in the sales and listing departments respectively, and can always be counted on to bring their Margaritaville blender (and portable generator) to any group function. Nisha had never heard of "Trop Rock" until now.How to Get There:By Land - Take I-75 to Exit 170 (Kings Highway aka 769) Go east 3 miles (towards Arcadia) then take a right at the big yellow Nav-A-Gator billboard.By Sea: waterproof chart 4E) Stay to the outside bends of the river. Call on VHF 16 9-5 for approach directions. 8.2 miles north of Charlotte Harbor.By Air - Latitude 27° 03’ 42" North and Longitude 82° 00’ 10" West. The Peace River is 4’ to 8’ deep in this area; seaplane dock is at the end of the property facing the Peace River. Helicopter landing zone is at the end of the property. (Look for Windsock)http://nav-a-gator.com941-627-FISHSend me a picture and tell me a story about a fun time, or an unexpected find, so we can come up with our own POP’s best bars round the world list! nb