Even though its been 20 years (don't do the math), I'm hit with that Canadian pride everytime I see a Roots sweatshirt, an Ontario plate, or overhear a French-Canadian accent. Luckily, its Florida in February so I can't walk 100 feet without tripping over a Canuck; but none of those moments are as exciting as when I see a buyer from one of Canada's awesome cities pop up on our website, or better yet go under contract to buy a boat from us. I've been doing some research and it looks like it makes a lot of sense for Canadians to buy U.S. boats...especially if you have someone knowledgeable and trustworthy to handle all the excrutiating details. "The past few years have seen an explosion in the number of Canadians purchasing used power boats and sail boats from the States. The primary driver is the tremendous COST SAVINGS that can be realized by purchasing a used boat stateside. The US pre-owned boat market is 100 times larger than the Canadian market, is far more price competitive and offers a much greater selection of used boats. With the total dollar savings even after one fully accounts for freight, taxes and exchange rate differentials and other logistics costs typically exceeds 20%.An example will help to demonstrate. This example applies to either a new or used boat. Consider the Canadian buyer who purchased a boat a few years ago that cost Cdn $140,000. At the time the CAD/US exchange rate was 1.40. All boats manufactured in the North American market are priced in US dollars at the factory. So what our Canadian buyer really paid was USD $100,000.Today that same boat at the factory costs the same USD $100,000. However the CAD/US exchange rate is now fluctuating around par, or 1.00, so the same boat today can be purchased for Cdn $100,000 or 28% less than the identical boat cost a few years ago. This is a very significant cost savings that should be passed along to the Canadian consumer by the local dealer, but just like in the auto industry, is not being passed along in full, and consumers are recognizing this inequity and bypassing the Canadian market entirely and making their purchases directly in the US market."Source:http://www.used-boats-canada.ca/item/canadians-guide-buying-and-importing-us-boatCue shameless pitch: POP Yachts, International has delivered boats to their new owners in Canada, and all over the world. Our dedicated closing and shipping departments will ensure that the title is clear, all paperwork is in order and all the complications of transporting the vessel is off your shoulders and into our capable hands. Check out our staff page-Ashley and Diana are the ones who will coordinate the closing, and Rich handles all the shipping details.If you are in Sarasota, stop in and say "Eh," so we can trade stories and laugh over my boss' really bad American beer. And if you really want to make this Canadian girl smile, feel free to bring me a bag of ketchup potato chips.